Blue whale is the largest animal in the world with a length of 30 meters and weighs up to 200 tons and is often located in the southern half of the globe.

The facts revolve around this animal and we will give you today five of them

1.      Blue whales can be found in all oceans at all, except for the Arctic, usually the swim alone or in groups, and up to 60 whales and in areas where food is available in abundance.

2. The blue whale has a regular body, it is gray with a broad head, huge fins, strong tail fin and a small backpack, and some species of whales has set aside inferiorly yellow color.

3. Blue whales have a fecal rather than a tooth called palin, a fibrous substance used to filter their food. When eaten, whales allow a large amount of water and krill to enter their mouths, pushing water through the 300-400 balloon plates where the food picks up and ingests.

4. Despite the global ban on fishing in 1966, it has largely been blue whale hunting, in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, with fewer members by 70-90% in the past 150 years, so it is today classified as Of endangered species

5. Blue whales communicate with each other by producing a series of high-sounding sound frequencies. Their calls are the highest of all the planet's creatures and can be heard for hundreds of kilometers underwater.